May is bike month, and with that comes bike to work day, and Team Bike Challenge! Did you know that every member of our office bikes to work regularly?
The challenge is meant to encourage people to ride their bikes more often in a friendly competition with teams of up to 5 people. The way it works is simple: put in your home address and your work address and log which days you bike. The website calculates the distance as well as how much CO2 you have saved from the atmosphere (which is a rather simple formula of 1 pound of CO2 per mile). There are also some fun badges and achievements. For example, today I received the “All that and A” award, for burning a small bag of chips worth of calories on my 5.3 mile morning ride. At the end of the month we’ll see which teams and companies are logging the most hours! Of course, we aspire to be towards the top!
While we are all already dedicated cyclists, the competition is a fun and rewarding way to remind us of the positive impacts we have on the city and the world by choosing to bike. I hope to see some of you in the street, especially on Bike to Work Day – May 14th!